Being Critical leads to Individual Anxiety
You ever feel like you are running, chasing, running and chasing and end up nowhere???
What we are discussing today may not directly apply to you (yeah right), but it applies to someone you know or have known.
Recently, I overheard a woman discussing the dimples in another woman’s derrière. The woman being talked about was actually a very attractive young lady and shaped like the girl Tahiry on the show Love and Hip Hop New York. I wanted to interject on that conversation, but I told myself “self, mind your business and write about it because you don’t know how people will react, and ya mama has no bail money.”
I was quickly moved to a feeling of frustration because it’s becoming overwhelming the amount of pressure women put on each other. And I wonder if you ladies know that if everyone looked the same and fit in the same mold the world would be devastatingly boring.
And here is some truth- men do not place the same physical types of expectations on women as we do to each other. There is this terrible trait of criticism we dish out; but here is the kicker in your ass for that- you will likely feel like you do not add up to some ghostly expectation you have set up for yourself. Having a spirit of criticism about you will yield YOU no positive return except anxiety. You will probably find yourself in a constant race and an unending feeling of dissatisfaction. These feelings are birthed from your own defense mechanism of criticism. Usually very critical people are unhappy with various aspects of themselves and they have yet to evolve high enough to understand the old grandma adage, “you get more bees with honey.”
Also, many of us subscribe to the law of karma, but we fail to realize that karmic flow also responds to our thought life. If we believe that what we think shall manifest, then we should certainly believe there is some form of consequence for ill thoughts.
If you find yourself at an unhappy or displeasing station in life, please know that it is just a station and that if you attempted to operate from a place of love, grace and mercy- the same favor will rain down on you. I’m registered to the school of Universal Law (later we will go deeper into that) and as a student of Universal Law allow me to petition you to examine your thought life especially if you find that you are going crazy (emotionally, mentally, and socially). Chances are the anxiety you are feeling about your life is probably self-induced from the air of criticism you walk in.
Ladies, change your game. Being dismissive, condescending, critical, rude and disrespectful to your female counterparts is simply LAME…
Selah Rey
Very thought provoking- and I'm guilty of that kind of criticism and annoyed in my life. I'm gonna work on it